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  • How to Speak French: 基础产品

How to Speak French: 基础产品

Learn how to speak French confidently and effectively with these easy French words and basic phrases you can use for your next trip.

How to speak french

It is often said that French is the language of love — appropriately so, because beyond the romance, it is truly a labor of love to learn French. There’s the vocabulary, the accent and the unspoken letters. Even if you learned how to speak French in school — however long ago that was — French words can be hard to remember, especially if you’re not using them every single day.

That said, Lancôme is a French brand at heart, and many Lancôme beauty products have French words in their names. (Teint Idôle, anyone?) So knowing the French translations can be helpful — and just fun.

Tips for how to speak French:

  • Immerse yourself: Visit France, Quebec, or even your locally-owned French café and experience the language around you.
  • Watch movies with French subtitles: Add French subtitles to your favorite films, which will help you get accustomed to reading French translations of English words.
  • Converse: Find a local French conversation group; they are everywhere!
  • Fake it until you make it: Confidence is key! 不要害怕犯错。

And that’s important, because picking up any second language as an adult takes the four P’s: practice, persistence, patience and passion. And if you want to learn how to speak French, those can go a long way, as can some pointers: the way the r’s roll off the back the tongue, the pursing of the lips with every vowel, and the blending of French words are all characteristics that make it a challenge to learn French.

When in Paris, you might feel like you need to learn the French translation of basic phrases to get by. That’s okay! Despite a sometimes-intimidating reputation, the French respect even imperfect attempts at pronouncing French words. While many are happy to speak English, it is always kind to greet them in French and demonstrate your worldly attitude. With good manners and the French translation for a few essential phrases, you’ll be a very welcome patron in any corner of the country.

Since practice makes perfect, let’s begin. Whether you’re preparing for a trip, serious about becoming fluent in French, or just learning for fun, here’s a quick lesson.

In general…

Bonjour / Bonsoir → 你好 / 晚上好

S’il vous plait → 请

Merci beaucoup → Thank you much

Je vous en prie/De rien → You’re welcome

Au revoir/Bonne nuit → Goodbye / Goodnight

Conversation starters (formal/informal)…

Comment vous appelez-vous?/Comment tu t’appelles? → 你叫什么名字?

Comment allez-vous?/Comment ça va? → 你好吗?

Vous connaissez qui à la soirée/Tu connais qui à la soirée? → 你认识派对上的谁?

For Lancôme…

La Vie Est Belle → Life is beautiful

Teint Idole → Absolute red

L’Absolu Rouge → Absolute red

Tonique Confort → Comforting tonic

Hypnôse → Hypnosis

Bienfait → Well-done

In the street…

Excusez-moi, parlez vous anglais? → 请问,您会说英语吗?

Pouvez-vous m’aider? → 您能帮我个忙吗?

Je cherche… → 我在找……

In a restaurant…

Un carafe d’eau, s’il vous plait → 麻烦给我来杯水

Je voudrais… → 我想要……

Où sont les toilettes? → 洗手间在哪?


Combien ça coûte? → 那要多少钱?

Est-ce que je peux l’essayer? → 我能试试这个吗?

Avez-vous d’autres couleurs/tailles? → Do you have other colors/sizes?


Santé! → Cheers! (casual)

À la vôtre! → Cheers! (formal)

Chin chin! → Cheers! (friendly)


Santé! → Cheers! (casual)

À la vôtre! → Cheers! (formal)

Chin chin! → Cheers! (friendly)


Merci du fond du coeur. → 由衷地感谢您。

Merci à tous d’être venu. → 谢谢大家光临。

C’ést un plaisir de vous avoir parmi nous. → 很高兴你能来。


Joyeuses fêtes! → 节日快乐!

Joyeux Noël! → Merry Christmas

Bonne année! → 新年快乐!


Je veux gouter tous les parfums des macarons! → 我想尝遍所有口味的马卡龙!

Ma marque de beauté préféré est Lancôme... → 我最喜爱的美妆品牌是兰蔻……

J'adore Paris. Je ne veux jamais la quitter! → 我喜欢巴黎。我永远都不想离开。


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